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HostPorts.Input fixup

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 1:14 am
by luowy
Recently, BB became unstable after win10 automatic update, especially during Drag&Drop mouse operations,
e.g. Alt + Drag to pull attributes, BB will lose respond... After applying the following patch, My BB is working again.

Code: Select all

	PROCEDURE (rd: Rider) Input* (OUT x, y: INTEGER; OUT modifiers: SET; OUT isDown: BOOLEAN);  
		VAR msg: WinApi.MSG; wnd, mw: WinApi.HANDLE; pt: WinApi.POINT; res: INTEGER; set: SET;
		wnd := rd.port.wnd; 			 
		mw := WinApi.GetCapture();  
		(*res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(wnd);*)  (* optional, side effect maybe *)
		IF WinApi.PeekMessageW(msg, mw, WinApi.WM_MOUSEFIRST, WinApi.WM_MOUSELAST, 1) # 0 THEN 
			mx := (msg.lParam + 32768) MOD 65536 - 32768;  
			my := msg.lParam DIV 65536;						 
			IF (mw # 0) & (wnd # mw) THEN
				pt.x := mx; pt.y := my; res := WinApi.ClientToScreen(mw, pt);
				res := WinApi.ScreenToClient(wnd, pt); 
				mx := pt.x; 
				my := pt.y
			mb := {};
			set := BITS(msg.wParam);
			IF WinApi.MK_LBUTTON * set # {} THEN INCL(mb, left) END;
			IF WinApi.MK_MBUTTON * set # {} THEN INCL(mb, middle) END;
			IF WinApi.MK_RBUTTON * set # {} THEN INCL(mb, right) END;
			IF WinApi.MK_CONTROL * set # {} THEN INCL(mb, ctrl) END;
			IF WinApi.MK_SHIFT * set # {} THEN INCL(mb, shift) END;
			IF WinApi.GetAsyncKeyState(12H) < 0 THEN INCL(mb, alt) END;  
		ELSIF  (WinApi.PeekMessageW(msg, 0, WinApi.WM_TIMER, WinApi.WM_TIMER, 1) # 0)  THEN 
			res := WinApi.DispatchMessageW(msg) 
		IF WinApi.GetSystemMetrics(WinApi.SM_SWAPBUTTON) # 0 THEN
			IF WinApi.GetAsyncKeyState(WinApi.VK_LBUTTON(*1*)) >= 0 THEN EXCL(mb, right) END;
			IF WinApi.GetAsyncKeyState(WinApi.VK_RBUTTON(*2*)) >= 0 THEN EXCL(mb, left) END
			IF WinApi.GetAsyncKeyState(WinApi.VK_LBUTTON(*1*)) >= 0 THEN EXCL(mb, left) END;
			IF WinApi.GetAsyncKeyState(WinApi.VK_RBUTTON(*2*)) >= 0 THEN EXCL(mb, right) END
		IF WinApi.GetAsyncKeyState(WinApi.VK_MBUTTON(*4*)) >= 0 THEN EXCL(mb, middle) END; 
		IF WinApi.GetAsyncKeyState(WinApi.VK_SHIFT) < 0 THEN mb := mb + {shift, extend} ELSE mb := mb - {shift, extend} END;
		IF WinApi.GetAsyncKeyState(WinApi.VK_CONTROL) < 0 THEN mb := mb + {ctrl, modify} ELSE mb := mb - {ctrl, modify}END;
		IF WinApi.GetAsyncKeyState(WinApi.VK_MENU) < 0 THEN INCL(mb, alt) ELSE EXCL(mb, alt) END;
		x := mx; y := my; modifiers := mb; isDown := mb * {left, middle, right} # {};
	END Input; 

Re: HostPorts.Input fixup

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 5:50 pm
by Ivan Denisov
This code is different in many places. Can you say, please, which is the patched line?

Re: HostPorts.Input fixup

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 1:14 am
by luowy
They are all workable,the last one is the best one, i think;
the first one(community) is emergency patch, to solve the problems caused by win10 update,
The second and third (center board) are gradually improved:
1, the "idle" varible introduced to avoid sleeping after a Services.Action
2. "serverMode" gives Services.Action a higher priority, avoid the adverse effects of mouse movements
3, Add "isDown" as a sleep condition, quickly exit the "until loop" ;

the final version is:

Code: Select all

StdCoder.Decode ..,, ..97,...3QwdONl9RhOO9vRbf9b8R7fJHPNGomCrlAyIhgs,CbKBhZ
 --- end of encoding ---

Re: HostPorts.Input fixup

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 10:31 pm
by adimetrius
Some questions:

1. Here viewtopic.php?f=48&t=181&hilit=ghosting was a brief discussion of window ghosting, whereby Josef suggested removing all messages from the WinApi queue while only processing mouse messages by using 0, 0 for filters in the call to PeekMessageW. Your suggestion reintroduces filtering, and allows the timer messages to be processed thru DispatchMessage. I wonder if the BB@Win10 malfunction could be caused by exactly that - the timer message not being timely processed? Because if it were due to any other message, Input would be stuck with that message forever:

Let's say WM_SOMETHING were posted to the WinApi queue. PeekMessage would not return it, because of the filters set to mouse messages and timer messages. This would leave OUT isDown unchanged, which in a conventional mouse tracking loop REPEAT ... f.Input(...isDown) UNTIL ~isDown would cause endless repetition. This could be helped by an unconditional mb := {} in the beginning of Input; this way, the loop would end. HOWEVER! It would not be true: WM_SOMETHING would always result in isDown = FALSE, which is wrong (false).

2. Retrieving WM_TIMER with PeekMessage and then processing it with DispatchMessage essentially results in Services.actionHook.Step - background task processing. Is this correct? The upside of this solution is keeping WM_TIMER messages in balance with calls for Services.actionHook.Step; the downside would be that it makes the call for Services.actionHook.Step more obscure: WinPorts.Rider.Input -> DispatchMessage -> HostMenus.ApplWinHandler -> Kernel.Try(HostMenus.TimerTick) -> HostWindows.Idle -> Services.actionHook.Step. This is buried deeeeep.
(Actually, it is guarded in HostMenus as follows: IF ~HostCFrames.inHandleMouse THEN HostWindows.Idle END, so if the mouse were pressed inside a host control, background tasks would not be executed, and Josef's server would block again.)
Maybe it would be beneficial to skip WM_TIMER messages (PeekMessage them, but not DispatchMessage them) and call background actions explicitly, as in the current edition? Maybe purging WM_TIMER from the WinApi queue would keep Windows happy... I don't have Win10, so can't set up an experiment.

3. I have ran into a problem with the current edition of Input. In response to a PollCursorMsg, I need to force view redrawal (to draw background for a menu item the mose is hovering over); this is an expensive operation, and it results in some lagging: while the redrawing is done, more WM_MOUSEMOVE are posted, then translated into more PollCursorMsg. So, after a while msg.x is not where the mouse is actually at the time PollCursorMsg is handled by my view. I call f.Input in order to use actual mouse coordinates and avoid unnecessary redrawals.
Well, the way Input is implemented now, it purges the queue of WM_LBUTTONDOWN! This means that (sometimes) after PollCursorMsg the TrackMsg is never sent, because f.Input has processed WM_LBUTTONDOWN, and WM_LBUTTONDOWN is not delivered to HostWindows.DocWinHandler, which translates it into a TrackMsg. To the user, this means some clicks never click. Very annoying.

From reading the docu for Ports, it seems to me that this should be considered a bug: Input is not supposed to interfere with subsequent TrackMsg, and there are no restrictions on when Input may or may not be called. Don't have a solution to this yet.

Re: HostPorts.Input fixup

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 5:50 pm
by adimetrius
Update for p. 3 of my last post: the lagging I described only occurs in Linux. Turns out in Windows WM_MOSEMOVE events never 'stack up' in the queue, and the WM_MOUSEMOVE message always contains the most recent pointer location. However, f.Input still 'eats' WM_LBUTTONDOWN messages and thus a corresponding TrackMsg; which is a malfunction. I was able to work around it, though, by patching the Linux's Rider.Input and 'window procedure' so that they always deliver the most recent pointer location in PollCursorMsg and in f.Input; and thus eliminating the need for an extra call to f.Input for the most recent pointer location. So the bug is dormant for now, again after a one-week awakening )