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Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 4:11 pm
by Ivan Denisov
Anton Dmitriev implemented feature for zooming BlackBox views with Ctrl+Scroll.
It is interface compatible, so you can also adopt this for 1.7.2 without interfaces change.
You can try how it works here:
That feature makes BlackBox more accessible for people without necessary change the font size in sources or documentation.
The behavior is very similar to modern browsers.

Code: Select all

diff --git a/BlackBox/System/Mod/Ports.odc b/BlackBox/System/Mod/Ports.odc
index bdd9e35..89cbaaa 100644
--- a/BlackBox/System/Mod/Ports.odc
+++ b/BlackBox/System/Mod/Ports.odc
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ MODULE Ports;
        PROCEDURE (p: Port) Init* (unit: INTEGER; printerMode: BOOLEAN), NEW;
-               ASSERT((p.unit = 0) OR (p.unit = unit), 20); ASSERT(unit > 0, 21);
+               (* ASSERT((p.unit = 0) OR (p.unit = unit), 20); *) ASSERT(unit > 0, 21);
                ASSERT((p.unit = 0) OR (p.printerMode = printerMode), 22);
                p.unit := unit;
                p.printerMode := printerMode;
diff --git a/BlackBox/_Windows_GUI/Host/Mod/Windows.odc b/BlackBox/_Windows_GUI/Host/Mod/Windows.odc
index cea3000..e9314ef 100644
--- a/BlackBox/_Windows_GUI/Host/Mod/Windows.odc
+++ b/BlackBox/_Windows_GUI/Host/Mod/Windows.odc
@@ -1237,10 +1237,19 @@ MODULE HostWindows;
        PROCEDURE WheelScroll (wnd: WinApi.HANDLE; wParam, lParam: INTEGER);
                VAR w: Window; res, lines, delta, keys: INTEGER; msg: Controllers.WheelMsg;
-                       p: WinApi.POINT;
+                       p: WinApi.POINT; dx: INTEGER;
                delta := wParam DIV 10000H; keys := wParam MOD 10000H;
                w := ThisWindow(wnd);
+               IF ~({Windows.isTool, Windows.noResize} / w.flags = {}) & ODD(wParam DIV 8) THEN
+                       dx := unit DIV 10;
+                       IF wParam < 0 THEN ELSIF w.port.unit > dx THEN dx := -dx ELSE dx := 0 END;
+                       w.port.Init(w.port.unit + dx, Ports.IsPrinterPort(w.port));
+                       w.frame.ConnectTo(w.port);
+                       Views.AdaptRoot(w.frame);
+                       Views.Update(w.doc, Views.rebuildFrames);
+                       RETURN
+               END;
                lines := 1;

Re: Zoom

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 3:47 pm
by luowy
good feature!
P.S. I change the delta(dx) from /10 to /100 , more comfortable for me.