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StdTables.Table, aligning cell content to right or center

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:18 pm
by manumart1
Problem: if the string shown in a cell of StdTables.Table is very large, the aligning to right or center does not work.
StdTables, align to right or center.png
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Module PrivTestStdTable and Formulary.txt
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In order to align to right, one must click on the right part of the column header. One can also change the width of the column dynamically (click and drag the border of the column), and the new content gets updated to the new size.

Same problem aligning to center.

Trying to solve this, I arrived to these changes to module StdTables:

Code: Select all

PROCEDURE DrawLabel ...
	VAR ...
		k, end, delta: INTEGER;
	sw := font.StringWidth(s);
	IF sw > w THEN
		IF (rw >= 0) & (LEN(s) >= 4) THEN
			IF mode = left THEN
				rw := w - font.StringWidth("...");
				i := f.CharIndex(0, rw, s, font);
				IF i > 0 THEN DEC(i) END;
				IF i > LEN(s) - 4 THEN i := LEN(s) - 4 END;
				s[i] := "."; s[i+1] := "."; s[i+2] := "."; s[i+3] := 0X;
			ELSIF mode = right THEN
				(* Instead of this, is it better to reverse array, align to left, and reverse again? *)
				s[0] := "."; s[1] := "."; s[2] := ".";
				i := f.CharIndex(0, w, s, font);
				end := LEN(s$) - 1;
				Log.String("Init: '" + s + "' "); Log.String("  len="); Log.Int(LEN(s$)); Log.String("  end="); Log.Int(end); Log.String("  i = "); Log.Int(i);Log.Ln;
				WHILE (i <= end) DO
					(* We could remove one char by one char to strinsg "s" from the left, until if fits, but instead, "delta" gives us a faster way to advance, although not very precise. *)
					delta := end - i + 2; IF delta < 1 THEN delta := 1 END;
					DEC(end, delta);
					FOR k := 3 TO end DO s[k] := s[k + delta] END;
					IF end >= -1 THEN s[end + 1] := 0X ELSE s[0] := 0X END;
					i := f.CharIndex(0, w, s, font);
					Log.String("delta="); Log.Int(delta); Log.String("   '" + s + "' "); Log.String("  len="); Log.Int(LEN(s$)); Log.String("  end="); Log.Int(end); Log.String("  i ="); Log.Int(i);Log.Ln;
			ELSE (* center *)
				s[0] := "."; s[1] := "."; s[2] := ".";
				end := LEN(s$) - 1;
				IF end > 2 THEN s[end - 2] := "."; s[end - 1] := "."; s[end] := "." END;
				i := f.CharIndex(0, w, s, font);
				Log.String("Init: '" + s + "' "); Log.String("  len="); Log.Int(LEN(s$)); Log.String("  end="); Log.Int(end); Log.String("  i = "); Log.Int(i);Log.Ln;
				WHILE (i <= end) DO
					(* We could remove to strinsg "s" in each iteration one char from the left and another from the right, until if fits, but instead, "delta" gives us a faster way to advance, although not very precise. *)
					delta := (end - i + 2) DIV 2; IF delta < 1 THEN delta := 1 END;
					DEC(end, delta * 2);
					FOR k := 3 TO end - 3 DO s[k] := s[k + delta] END;
					IF end > 2 THEN s[end - 2] := "."; s[end - 1] := "."; s[end] := "." END;
					IF end >= -1 THEN s[end + 1] := 0X ELSE s[0] := 0X END;
					i := f.CharIndex(0, w, s, font);
					Log.String("delta="); Log.Int(delta); Log.String("   '" + s + "' "); Log.String("  len="); Log.Int(LEN(s$)); Log.String("  end="); Log.Int(end); Log.String("  i ="); Log.Int(i);Log.Ln;
			sw := font.StringWidth(s)
		ELSE sw := 0
END DrawLabel;

PROCEDURE DrawField ...
	same changes as DrawLabel
END DrawField;
I have not tried, but imagine same problem happens to SqlControls.DrawField.

Re: StdTables.Table, aligning cell content to right or cente

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 6:31 am
by Josef Templ
Since we are reading text from left to right, I am not sure if moving the "..."
symbols is a big advantage over the current solution.
In the case of centered columns you have "..." twice. This reduces the
readable part further.

- Josef

Re: StdTables.Table, aligning cell content to right or cente

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 7:35 am
by manumart1
The advantage is that aligning to left one can see the beginning, and aligning to right one can see the ending. This way one has a chance to see the full string, without having to enlarge the column width.

Re: StdTables.Table, aligning cell content to right or cente

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 5:57 am
by Josef Templ
manumart1 wrote:The advantage is that aligning to left one can see the beginning, and aligning to right one can see the ending. This way one has a chance to see the full string, without having to enlarge the column width.
I see.
But for 'centered' it would not be required to have the '...' at both ends.

- Josef

Re: StdTables.Table, aligning cell content to right or cente

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 6:41 am
by Ivan Denisov
This is important for printing. For display it is possible to show full title in some rectangle like it is done in windows prompt dialog. What do you think?

Re: StdTables.Table, aligning cell content to right or cente

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 8:18 am
by manumart1
Ivan Denisov wrote:For display it is possible to show full title in some rectangle like it is done in windows prompt dialog.
I do not understand well.
A StdTables.Table has several rows. If I want to see the full string inside a cell, are you thinking about clicking the cell and then a window would be opened, showing the full string?
This leads me to the idea of tooltip, but I am not able to use the module CpcControlTips for a StdTables.Table ...

Re: StdTables.Table, aligning cell content to right or cente

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:52 am
by Ivan Denisov
For example, if user move a mouse to some cell and freeze for a second. In the Paint procedure we can draw some graphics over the table with some rectangle and the full text.
Better way is to install new frame with TextView and put the content of the string in this text view. One more idea is to make scrolling of the string inside the cell.

More easy way without modification of the StdTables is to add the Notifier to the table properties.
The Notifier allows to detect which cell was pressed and update some global variable with a string and update it in the form.
(4.03 KiB) Downloaded 915 times
Also Ivan Kuzmitsky did very nice work!
Did you try his advanced tables subsystem?

Re: StdTables.Table, aligning cell content to right or cente

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 12:47 pm
by manumart1
Thank you Ivan, for your Notifier example.

I installed the Grid subsystem, which requires two other subsystems: I executed some examples from "Grid/Docu/Sys-Map.odc".
Looks fine, but I do not understand the Russian language.

The example "Grid/Docu/Obx3.odc" is similar to your Notifier example.

Re: StdTables.Table, aligning cell content to right or cente

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 4:10 pm
by Ivan Denisov
This month Google connect some great neural network for translation from Russian to English and vice versa.
In March 2017, these three more languages are enabled: Russian, Hindi and Vietnamese. ... ranslation

So the quality of the translation increased a lot. Just copy documentation to Google Translator and you will get information you need.

Ivan's subsystem is more advanced in case of visual settings and even allow to add any views in the cells.
I have no mood now to translate and adopt it to English. But I think it can be done in future.