Unwrapping IMPORT aliasses

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Unwrapping IMPORT aliasses

Post by Robert »

The Menu Commands "Source", "Interface", & "Documentation" unwrap item aliases, which is a very useful feature.

The Menu Command "Info->Global Variables" does not, which is both inconsistent and unhelpful.

I guess it should be easy to implement this feature by copying the procedure "CheckModName" from DevReferences, or DevBrowser, to DevDebug. (Maybe it would be better not to have three copies of the same procedure?)
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Re: Unwrapping IMPORT aliasses

Post by Robert »

Below are the additions I tried in Module DevDebug. It seems to work fine, but the different values of the CONSTant "module" was a bit of a trap!
"CheckModName" is new (actually copied from elsewhere). "GetMod" has one new line.

Code: Select all

	PROCEDURE CheckModName (VAR mod: TextMappers.String; t: TextModels.Model);
		CONST module = 101;		(*  Overrides global definition !! *)
		VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner;
		s.ConnectTo(t); s.SetPos(0); Scan(s);
		IF s.type = module THEN
			WHILE (s.type # TextMappers.eot) & (s.type # import) DO Scan(s) END;
			WHILE (s.type # TextMappers.eot) & (s.type # semicolon)
					& ((s.type # TextMappers.string) OR (s.string # mod)) DO Scan(s) END;
			IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN
				IF s.type = becomes THEN
					IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN
						mod := s.string$
	END CheckModName;

	PROCEDURE GetMod (VAR mod: Kernel.Module);
		VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; s: TextMappers.Scanner; beg, end: INTEGER; res: INTEGER; n: Kernel.Utf8Name;
		mod := NIL;
		c := TextControllers.Focus();
		IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN
			c.GetSelection(beg, end);
			s.ConnectTo(c.text); s.SetPos(beg); s.Scan;
			IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN
CheckModName(s.string, c.text);
				Strings.StringToUtf8(s.string, n, res); mod := Kernel.ThisMod(n$);
				IF mod = NIL THEN
					Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:ModuleNotFound", s.string, "", "");
			ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoModuleNameSelected")
		ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoSelectionFound")
	END GetMod;
Josef Templ
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Re: Unwrapping IMPORT aliasses

Post by Josef Templ »

I think this is an improvement.
If the code can be reused it would even be a simplification.

Is there any lower level module where the common code could be put for reuse?

- Josef
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Re: Unwrapping IMPORT aliasses

Post by Robert »

Josef Templ wrote:Is there any lower level module where the common code could be put for reuse?
The obvious question ... I haven't had any time to investigate!

Actually I would like it to be exported (and documented!), as it would be useful in some of my private tools.
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Re: Unwrapping IMPORT aliasses

Post by Robert »

The only obvious place to put the common code (without a new Module) is in TextMappers.

One would also want to move the duplicated copies of the procedure "Scan". The copies of Scan in DevReferences & DevBrowser are identical; the copy in DevDebug is different (bigger). One could easily make a dual purpose version (with an input BOOLEAN to configure it).

I'm not sure what the best thing to suggest is.

On second thoughts, maybe it is best to export these two procedres from DevReferences, and have DevBrowser & DevDebug import DevReferences?
Josef Templ
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Re: Unwrapping IMPORT aliasses

Post by Josef Templ »

Shouldn't this also be applied to DevDependencies?
Even if it is a pretty useless tool, for the sake of completeness
it should be considered, I think.

DevReferences looks like a good place to export from.

- Josef
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Re: Unwrapping IMPORT aliasses

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