In all versions of BlackBox, if you try to open a regular textfile using StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog, you get:
TRAP 21 (precondition violated)
HostPorts.Port.SetSize [00000076H]
.h INTEGER -34
.p HostPorts.Port [02A876E0H]
.w INTEGER 638
Try for example: <Ctrl-Q>"StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('BlackBox_1.7.3-a1_Changes.odc', 'TEST')"
The above-mentioned trap appears twice. Even more, regardless of the trap the file opens correctnly.
Please note that this is not a matter of when is appropriate to use OpenAuxDialog, OpenDoc or other open command variant; the point is that there seems to be an old bug living there.
StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog Trapped
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