Sets with more than 32 elements?

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Sets with more than 32 elements?

Post by jackD »

In CP the largest element of a set is 31, which is too restrictive for my application. Is there an efficient way to create sets with up to 100 elements? (actually, 0-63 would be enough). I'm aware that there is way to do it using boolean arrays, but haven't been able to figure out exactly how. Thanks!
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Ivan Denisov
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Re: Sets with more than 32 elements?

Post by Ivan Denisov »

I can imaging smth like this

Code: Select all

MODULE  TestSet64;

	IMPORT  Log := StdLog,  In,  Math;

			a, b: SET;

	PROCEDURE (s: Set) Add (n: BYTE), NEW;
		ASSERT(n >= 0, 20); ASSERT(n < 64, 21);
		IF n < 32 THEN
			s.a := s.a + {n}
			s.b := s.b + {n-32}
	END Add;

	PROCEDURE (s: Set) Remove (n: BYTE), NEW;
		ASSERT(n >= 0, 20); ASSERT(n < 64, 21);
		IF n < 32 THEN
			s.a := s.a - {n}
			s.b := s.b - {n-32}
	END Remove;

	PROCEDURE (s: Set) Check (n: BYTE): BOOLEAN, NEW;
		ASSERT(n >= 0, 20); ASSERT(n < 64, 21);
		IF n < 32 THEN
			RETURN n IN s.a
			RETURN n-32 IN s.b
	END Check;

END TestSet64.
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Re: Sets with more than 32 elements?

Post by cfbsoftware »

There's an example of how to define a class for sets of arbitrary integers in Section 4.3 of the book Object-Oriented Programming in Oberon-2 by Hanspeter Mössenböck. The Component Pascal solution would be very similar.

You can download a copy of the book from:
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Re: Sets with more than 32 elements?

Post by jackD »

Thanks guys for the responses. I'm still learning and haven't quite grasped how OOP works in CP, so I don't fully understand the code, but I'll get there. I found a module for sets here : ... s.mod.html
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Ivan Denisov
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Re: Sets with more than 32 elements?

Post by Ivan Denisov »

Actually OOP does not mean much. Syntactic sugar.
However many stuff in framework done in OOP way, so it is impossible to use BlackBox features without it.
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Re: Sets with more than 32 elements?

Post by Zinn »

Have a look at the MODULE Sets inside subsystem Coco. You can download Coco from
Maybe it is what you are looking for.
- Helmut
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Re: Sets with more than 32 elements?

Post by jackD »

Helmut, thanks for the heads up regarding Coco. I've adapted the Ulm Sets library I linked to previously and it works fine, although it's a bit clunky and more work to initialize a set with known elements because you can't just do mySet := {....}. It would be nice to be able to do something like:
CONST myArray : ARRAY 10 OF SET = ({},{}...). You can do something similar in Free Pascal.
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Re: Sets with more than 32 elements?

Post by Robert »

On the website Component Pascal Collection ( there is a sub-system called Lib. It contains a module "LibSets" which contains a type "BiSet" which is essentially a 64-bit set.

The module also contains procedures for things like creating random sets, and converting to and from ASCII.
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